The King of Oblivion, Writing

The King of Oblivion

"The King of Oblivion" is an awesome song by Seven Nations, a Celtic rock group based in Orlando, Florida.  It’s one of those songs that makes me go, "Hmmm," whenever I hear it; I love the lyrics, but I have no idea what the song is about.  The one or two other people I’ve spoken to who know the band and love them are similarly baffled by the song and its strange imagery.  I’ve looked online (not very intently, I admit) and found no references to any mythical, legendary, or folkloric entities called "The King of Oblivion"; in fact, almost all of the Google results for a search on the title are about the band.

So since I love the song so much, and because there’s so little associated with the title, I’ve decided to co-opt it and use it as the title of Book Three of The War of Dreams.  Part One, The Return of Deacon Dread, I wrote for National Novel Writing Month in 2006.  Part Two was The Lord of Nightmares, written for NaNoWriMo 2007.  And just with those parts, I’m going to be putting The King of Oblivion on line for your reading pleasure.  The plan for now is to post a piece of it each Friday night.  You’ll be able to find it here.  Be warned, though; like the others, this is NaNoWriMo quality fiction; that is, any quality you find in it is purely accidental.  And there will be times when storylines change randomly, without warning, and the reader will have to assume that some things will have always been as they are now, if that makes any sense.  If Zoe and Adrian suddenly start acting like a couple in love, for example, then just assume they were in love from the beginning.

Anyway.  Enjoy.  Or whatever.