Just a Day in My Life

Strange Little Dream

First, I wanted to remind both of my regular readers that several of my stories are available online here, including links to stories that have been published online. Read, then share and enjoy (according to the terms of the Creative Commons license under which they’re licensed).  Also, please visit Underpopetown. Unemployment is on the rise!

So last night I had a strange little dream that involved dead baby birds in our back yard coming back to life, and me trying to figure out the best way to move my car inside our 3 car garage without taking it out.

The weirdest part though was when I went off to my first day of medical school in the dream. I had a fun time in Gross Anatomy, dissecting the cadavers and generally grossing out my teammates (it was fun in the dream, but I don’t doubt that I’d have a hard time in a real life Gross Anatomy class). What was weird, though, was when I came home and Jennifer asked me where I’d been all day.

"It was my first day in medical school," I replied.

"Medical school?" she said.

Apparently, in my dream, I’d forgotten to tell my wife that I was going to medical school. This does not seem entirely realistic to me.

But the Gross Anatomy part of the dream was still kind of fun.