So It Goes…
I swear I had the best of intentions when I said I was going to blog every day in August, but then… that did not happen. I’m not sure why not. Maybe I burned out on blogging. Maybe I was abducted by the Fair Folk and only now, four centuries later, returned to the mortal world (seems unlikely). Most likely, other things got in the way.
So how are you?

Anyway, I’ve decided to once again participate in National Novel Writing Month! I’ve committed to that before, but honestly my heart hasn’t really been in it since I wrote up the first few chapters of the first draft of my current work-in-progress, And the Devil Will Drag You Under (status of that, by the way, is that I’ve completed revisions on paper, now just need to input them into the document in Scrivener).
This year, I plan to write the first draft of Witness To the Scourge, a novel about refugees from the destroyed world of the Fae and the danger facing them in the mortal world. I plan on it being a little dark, a little funny, and a little bit hopeful. And, of course, very good, as most of my fiction is. Or so I like to think.
I’m not the regional Municipal Liaison for NaNoWriMo. I burned out on that back in 2017 after doing it for eleven years. I am, however, helping coordinate write-ins and what-not on the site for the Sacramento region since we currently have no ML, and that makes me sad.
That’s all I’ve got for now. If you’re going to be participating in National Novel Writing Month this year, I wish you glory!
This time I’m recommending this book:
I’m about 50% of the way through it, and it’s blowing my mind. It’s about how overcoming racist ideas, thoughts, tropes, and feelings is a life-long process of overcoming a lifetime of living in a racist society. I suspect I will have much more to say about this book when I am done with it.
Hey, at least you’re still Nanoing. I burned out years ago myself. Fiction is not my strong suit, I never wrote one book I thought was good enough to keep working on, etc.