2024: A Year in Writing
A couple of edits to this post:
- In 2024, I also applied for the Older Writers Grant from the Speculative Literature Foundation. I did not get the grant, but making the effort was a win for me.
- Also on my goals list for 2025: Go on or attend a writers’ retreat.
And, of course, you can find all of my writing, including my most recent published stories, on my Bibliography page.
I’m taking a break from writing until 2025, when I take on my 2025 Commitment, though I may break down and draw the first of my Story Engine prompts today, just to get things moving. I was pondering taking pictures of the cards and posting them to my blog each week, but I don’t know it that will infringe the Story Engine copyright, so just to be safe I won’t. Though I may post the prompt itself.
Anyway, here are my writing stats from 2024:
- 2 new short stories written
- 1 novel draft completed
- 0 novel drafts fully revised
- 67 short story submissions (my original goal was 100 as I had done for the previous few years, but I decided to go on a submission hiatus until the new year)
- 2 short story acceptances (though there was one story that was accepted in 2023 but not published until 2024)
- 3 published short stories
- 3 outstanding submissions, though I may withdraw them if I haven’t heard anything by my birthday
And as for my goals for the coming year:
- The 2025 Commitment
- Finish drafting Witness to the Scourge
- Revise Padma
- Revise And the Devil Will Drag You Under
- 50 short story submissions
I’m also hoping for some pro short stories this year, but I’m not setting that as a goal, since it’s pretty much out of my control.
Here’s to a new year!