The Story Engine, Writing

The Seventh

Last week…

So last week’s story was a very short, very high fantasy story. I’d meant for it to be longer, but, of course, I ran out of time, so it’s more of an outline of a longer story than it is a story in and of itself. It does include some elements from a Dungeons and Dragons game I ran something like thirty-five years ago, with an orc, an emperor, and a sword. I hope that I can expand on it someday.

This week’s prompt…

Meanwhile, I decided that this week’s prompt would be from the Horror deck. I almost chose the Fantasy deck again since the world seems horrific enough as is, but then I decided to go for it. Here’s the spread of Story Engine cards from the Horror deck:

Story Deck cards from the Horror Deck.
Read along the bottom! Click to embiggen!

The prompt is:

A Patient Zero wants to escape their vision of being killed by a predatory infection, but only the dead will know of their sacrifice.

I’m not sure what kind of infection it will be… I’ve always been intrigued by viruses (Are they alive? Are they just floating pieces of DNA and proteins? Who knows?!!?), so that was my first instinct. When I was a kid, I was plagued by hypochondria, so this might be therapeutic for me. Then again, I might go with something entirely different. We shall see.

A recommendation…

Last week I read Hench by Natalie Zina Walschots, and it was amazing. Superheroes aren’t usually my thing, but this one focused on supervillains and their henchmen, so I really dug it. The Auditor might be my next favorite evildoer. I highly recommend this one.