Just a Day in My Life

Minor Events of No Consequence

  • I lost 1.6 pounds this week. I can only attribute this to Barack Obama’s increasing popularity in this round of primaries.
  • I successfully moved my NaNoWriMo blogs over to WordPress µ .  This will make updating them much easier.  Thanks to my friend Dale for pointing out that WordPress µ would be a perfect tool for this task in spite of my earlier disdain for it.  For those of you keeping score, those blogs are:
  • It recently occurred to me that although I sometimes wish I had followed up on my Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, there really isn’t any point to it.  The history of philosophy, I think, can be summed up as an arc from when Plato went nuts trying to define the word "piety", and concluding with Heidegger, who spent 592 pages in Being and Time trying (and failing, even by his own admission) to explain the term "to be", and essentially imploded in on himself in doing so.  Philosophy, in far too many cases, is mere flailing at vocabulary, trying to pin down exact definitions on terms that simply cannot be exactly defined, but which we do pretty well with anyway. It’s like trying to define "Science Fiction", but with loftier-sounding degrees.
  • Go ahead and visit Underpopetown.  There’s unemployment there!
  • The lungs, they are acting up again. Stupid lungs. By "lungs", of course, I mean the porous sacs of spongy material in my chest that suck up air. And by "air", of course, I mean a gaseous mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and other elements. And by "element", I mean…  And see what I mean when I talk about philosophy as vocabularial flailing?
  • And that’s pretty much it.  Except maybe I’m being a little harsh on academic philosophers, playing a little sour grapes.  You think? Nah.