Just a Day in My Life

Recently arrived in the mail

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On the left, Don’t Turn the Lights On: A Fictional Take on Urban Legends(available at Amazon.com, or directly from the publisher, Stone Garden Press. And my short story, “Who Remembers Molly”, is on page 41. Proceeds from the sale of this book benefit the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah. You should feel guilty if you don’t buy it, because then all the animals in the sanctuary will go homeless.

And on the right, Issue #33 of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine. It doesn’t look like this particular issue is available for purchase yet. However, I can tell with with utter confidence that my short story, “A Most Heinous Man”, is on page 26. Complete with an illustration by Lewis Morley, who also happens to have been the art director for the Matrix trilogy and the upcoming JLA movie.

I just like to look at them.

UPDATE: I just came across a review of the book. Each story got a paragraph. Of mine, the reviewer said, “This story is excellent.”