I swear that soon I will write up a blog post that isn’t just a funny video. In the meantime, please enjoy this one. You’ve
With all the Harry Potter spoiler paranoia (heck, I’m disconnecting for the weekend!), I figured I’d post a few spoilers for you that aren’t necessarily
Thanks to Phil Plait at Bad Astronomy, I’ve discovered a new web comic: Home on the Strange. You should check it out. It speaks to
…And to prove that I haven’t been wasting time, here’s my very first video on YouTube. Recognize it? Yep, it’s the singin’ brain! Huzzah!
Naturally, I love this: Thanks to Neatorama for the heads-up.
[link removed] Apparently it’s because because I used the word “sexy” five times, and the word “crap” once. What a potty-mouth! (Meme swiped from the
Via the Panda’s Thumb, I found this video of Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, "edited for rednecks". It’s lifted straight from last night’s episode of Family Guy,
Via David Brin’s blog (have you not read anything by David Brin? No? What the hell’s wrong with you?) I found this article regarding another
Just found this on-line radio station: Paddy Rock Radio – The Best in Celtic Rock, Punk & Everything Else In Between – Irish Pub Rock
On Monday, a bunch of us piled into our office manager’s van for the fifteen mile drive from our office to the main division office