
Crazy Writing Fool

Over at Urban Drift, there’s a new challenge: to "pull a Moorcock", and write a complete novel in a weekend, starting on February 2 — which just happens to be this Friday. As John Scalzi put it, it’s for those people who think that National Novel-Writing Month is just a tad leisurely, or for wimps. Why "pull a Moorcock"?  Because apparently Michael Moorcock has been known to sit down and do exactly that: write a novel in a two or three day period of time.

I’ve decided that I’m in. So on Friday afternoon, once I get home from work, I’m going to sit down and start writing, and see what happens.  At the moment, I have no idea what I’m going to write about, so it’ll be interesting to see what happens.  I’m wide open to suggestions, too, so here’s the usual appeal: if you give me an idea or a title that I really like, I’ll be happy to use it, and then kill you in the manner of your choosing in the novel.  So let me know.  What do you think?