Let’s talk about pirates!
This will be a relatively short post, since I’m writing it during my work break.
My work-in-progress for Camp NaNoWriMo July 2020 is The X of Doom, which is a novel about pirates. I can’t decide what sort of novel it should be, though, so I’m asking you, my faithful readers.
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Here’s a True Fact about pirates that I’ve learned. Did you know that pirates never actually said “ARRRR”? It’s true! The pirate alphabet went directly from Q to S, and did not include the letter R. True, this sometimes led to some linguistic confusion, but these things happen.
So when history records a pirate saying “shiv(er) me timbe(r)s” it’s really supposed to be “shiv”? That makes a kind of sense…
You are exactly correct, sir.