Yesterday I got home and decided that what I needed to do was go on some sort of bike ride. I enjoy riding in the
So where have I been? I’ve been busy, and for some reason I haven’t had much inclination to update my journal of late. Here, then,
Yesterday was a fairly productive day for me. After contacting most of the employers I’d spoken to at Wednesday’s job fair for yesterday’s round of
Well, according to this test, I am a chaotic good elven ranger/fighter (see below for more information about that). That works for me. I’m naturally
I’m sitting here now and actually trying to write a short story. I haven’t tried to do any serious creative writing since NaNoWriMo back in
The other night I went to go hang out with Evilpheemy, which I don’t do as often as I wish I could. Sadly, we both
Jennifer dared me to participate in National Novel Writing Month, and, so, of course I signed up. Producing fifty thousand words in thirty days? What