Twitter Updates

Twitterthulhu's spawn for 2009-06-05

  • Cat: “Nom nom nom nom nom.” Human: “Cat, those are my fingers.” Cat: “Hm, tasty! Nom nom nom nom!!” #
  • I’ve seen some discussion of expanding Godwin’s law to include President Bush. Much as I dislike Bush, this just makes me go, “WTF?!!?” #
  • I suppose that since I’m at the office now I may as well do some work. #
  • For #FF you should follow my friends @riznphnx @katster @dhemery @ruminating @tara_hill @whiteraven @uriel1998 @raeriva @egriffith #
  • I had no idea that the first episode of Doctor Who aired on 11/23/1963, nor that C. S. Lewis died that day as well. What a busy day that was #
  • Why would a self-described fashion junkie whose Twitter feed is all about womens’ fashion want to follow me on Twitter? I’m intrigued. #
  • Hello new followers! If you want me to follow you back, you must prove you’re human. Because I’m a jerk that way. #
  • Check out my bright, shiny, blue drama button. (via @uriel1998) #
  • It’s Blackmail Friday, green edition. If I don’t get 500 followers today, I’ll replace a CFL with a regular bulb, and it’ll be YOUR FAULT! #
  • And if you loved the earth like you say you do, you’d retweet my blackmail message about the lightbulbs. #
  • Today I’m frustrated and annoyed and generally appalled at PHP. So, poll time: What should Richard do for his next career? #
  • Listening to @riznphnx singing live. I love the jazz standards. #
  • Sadly, University policy prevents me from getting thoroughly hammered at my desk. I think they’re afraid I’ll break my keyboard. #
  • Gonna see if I can get Second Life going. It’s been several months, I might have a shot this time. #

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