Day Thirteen: Mysteries Deepen

As Pancake the Penguin and Pep the Fish (I still can’t believe Pep is a a fish — I hereby declare that Pep is a lungfish because most of these adventures can’t happen underwater) make their way from the Cave of the Snow Fairy, they enter another forest. According to the map they discovered yesterday, an Icey[sic] Monster lives here. Shhh. Be careful!
And indeed, as they pass through (according to the official narrative that accompanies these little papercraft elements), they hear a mysterious rustle and other loud noises. Oh no! Can they make it out of this forest alive? I don’t know! The suspense is killing me!
When I opened this morning’s little packet, I was hoping for a monster to build, but it was just these two little trees. I unfolded them and took this picture, then put them up on the crown molding I’m using to display this adventure. I’m a little disappointed but we’ll see what tomorrow brings!

‘Tis a mysterious season for Holidailies!
Today’s entry in the Episcopal Advent Calendar reads (for Learn), “Read Luke 1:59-80. When Zechariah’s speech returns, he praises God. If you lost the power to speak for nine months like Zechariah did, what would be your first word of praise? Share this with your family, friends, and on social media.”
To be honest, I’m not sure what mine would be. These days, when so much of what we say we say online in social media, losing the ability to type might be as much a hindrance as losing the ability to talk. I’m pretty sure my first communication to the world after regaining the ability to communicate would be something like, “Thank God!”, which is a much weaker version of “Praise be to God”.