Ways to Spend Money, Redux

Hm, I’m noticing that it’s been awhile since I’ve posted here to my blog. It’s nobody’s fault, in particular, I’ve just been busy. And when I haven’t been busy, I’ve been… well, busy. Busy busy busy. I took a class in advanced PHP/SQL and that took up a LOT of time. And now that the class is over, I’m working on finishing up the final project for that class: basically, I’m rebooting Holidailies, a blogging community which has been running pretty much consistently for over ten years.

Between that and other projects, I’ve had very little time for writing or for blogging. This is weighing upon my soul.

For now, though, I’m soothing my aching heart by writing this quick blog entry during my lunch break at work. I want to offer you a couple of different ways to spend money, which I know is something you really want to do.

First, you could donate to National Novel Writing Month’s Young Writers Program through the nano_15_wat_poster_online_imagefundraiser that Jennifer and I are running. It’s called The Night of Writing Dangerously, and we’ve participated before.  The Young Writers Program is a fantastic way to encourage children up to age 17 to stretch and flex their creative energies by writing novels or stories themselves. I know several children who have participated, and their creativity is awesome. This is highly recommended.

And, of course, I’d like to encourage you to spend $2.99 and purchase the Kindle edition of my novella, The Winds of Patwin County. This little story has gathered some great reviews, and I’mThe Winds of Patwin County Cover particularly proud of it. Now, I know that not everyone has a Kindle or a Kindle app on their smart phone or tablet, so I am preparing a paperback edition that will hopefully be up for sale on Amazon soon. But, again, this is one of those projects that have been put on hold while I focus on Holidailies.

This novella comes with a content warning, though, and I should stress that it is definitely not safe for children. When they make the movie version, it will definitely be rated R. So if you want to do something that’s safe for kids, then, once again, I recommend donated to our fundraiser.

That’s it. Soon, I will have more to say. I promise that this blog won’t languish for too long before my next post.

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