Category Archives: Self Promotion

Ways to Spend Money, Redux

Hm, I’m noticing that it’s been awhile since I’ve posted here to my blog. It’s nobody’s fault, in particular, I’ve just been busy. And when I haven’t been busy, I’ve been… well, busy. Busy busy busy. I took a class in advanced PHP/SQL and that took up a LOT of time. And now that the class is over, I’m working on finishing up the final project for that class: basically, I’m rebooting Holidailies, a blogging community which has been running pretty much consistently for over ten years.

Between that and other projects, I’ve had very little time for writing or for blogging. This is weighing upon my soul.

For now, though, I’m soothing my aching heart by writing this quick blog entry during my lunch break at work. I want to offer you a couple of different ways to spend money, which I know is something you really want to do.

First, you could donate to National Novel Writing Month’s Young Writers Program through the nano_15_wat_poster_online_imagefundraiser that Jennifer and I are running. It’s called The Night of Writing Dangerously, and we’ve participated before.  The Young Writers Program is a fantastic way to encourage children up to age 17 to stretch and flex their creative energies by writing novels or stories themselves. I know several children who have participated, and their creativity is awesome. This is highly recommended.

And, of course, I’d like to encourage you to spend $2.99 and purchase the Kindle edition of my novella, The Winds of Patwin County. This little story has gathered some great reviews, and I’mThe Winds of Patwin County Cover particularly proud of it. Now, I know that not everyone has a Kindle or a Kindle app on their smart phone or tablet, so I am preparing a paperback edition that will hopefully be up for sale on Amazon soon. But, again, this is one of those projects that have been put on hold while I focus on Holidailies.

This novella comes with a content warning, though, and I should stress that it is definitely not safe for children. When they make the movie version, it will definitely be rated R. So if you want to do something that’s safe for kids, then, once again, I recommend donated to our fundraiser.

That’s it. Soon, I will have more to say. I promise that this blog won’t languish for too long before my next post.

Two new stories up

Webzines come and go, and stories published in them can be victims of domain expirations, site collapses, and so on. I’ve rescued two of my old published stories, and I am putting them online for your enjoyment.

The first is “The Unrevealed Tort, Revealed“. This story appears to be about two men, one of whom is on a horse, having an argument over fish. I’m not positive about that, though. You’ll have to read it for yourself. I can tell you, though, that this story has been favorably compared to Terry Pratchett and Monty Python. This story was published in a webzine called Sorcery and Science. The ‘zine is no longer being published, and the domain has expired, but I want this story to live on. So here it is.

The second story I’m putting online is “Who Remembers Molly“. This story was originally published online at The Harrow (a fine horror webzine which has, unfortunately, folded, and the site the victim of hackers), as well as in a collection of retold urban legends called Don’t Turn the Lights On (which you can purchase over at; the profits go to help the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah). Molly has shown up in a few of my stories, and this story is part of a cycle that I’m putting together called The Winds of Patwin County.

So. Enjoy!

Ways to Spend Money

I’m hoping that soon I will be able to present blog material that isn’t just self promotion… Unfortunately, for the time being, I seem to be utterly uninspired to blog.

So for now, in lieu of actual content, I present three ways that you can spend money. And, of course, they all have to do with my writing.

The first is The Undead That Saved Christmas, a lovely collection of Christmas tales featuring zombies and including my own story “Night of the Frozen Elf”. Honestly, how can you resist? You can purchase a paperback version here, or the Amazon Kindle version here. All proceeds from the sale of this holiday heart-warmer go to the Hugs Foster Family Agency, a great organization that needs money to purchase gifts for foster children.

The second is Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine: Best of Horror 2, which you can purchase here. This collection happily features my short story “A Most Heinous Man”, which was published in Issue #33 of this magazine.

Finally, there’s the Night of Writing Dangerously, a charity event that benefits the Young Writers Program and is presented by the Office of Letters and Light. Jennifer and I need to raise $300 to attend this event, so any donations you can make to the cause would be greatly appreciated. Plus, you can get jam, jelly, pickles, or even a pair of handknit socks! The Office of Letters and Light is a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit organization, so any donations you make are tax-deductible. You can donate with a credit card by clicking here. Donations of cash and checks are also welcome.

So that’s it for now. Go, spend money. And come back here soon. I promise that someday I will have some interesting content for you.

Indulging my vanity, part two

I’m not at all afraid to promote myself, nor to promote the fact that Shimmer magazine interviewed me. I suppose, however, that if I were a more aggressive self promoter, I’d be going out and forcing myself onto the set of Oprah or The Daily Show and getting myself arrested, on the theory that any publicity is good publicity. Alas, I have a job and can’t afford to take time off from it for jail time.

Shimmer magazine’s interview with Richard S. Crawford