Just a Day in My Life

Random Updatedness

  • More fires in the Sacramento valley, more smoke, and more wheezing from me (because as I’ve said before, this blog is all about ME and how the world affects ME!!!). My boss suggested that I work from home today to hang out near my nebulizer and my air purifier, mostly because there was more smoke in our office than outside. Good guy, my boss, but bad air conditioning in our office. As far as I can tell, the fires are dying down and so there won’t be nearly as much smoke tomorrow.
  • Jennifer and I have been playing lots of House of the Dead 3 on our new Wii. We’ve gotten pretty far but have not been able to defeat the final boss yet. He’s a spinning flying bastard and we haven’t figured out his vulnerability yet.
  • I’m hearing more and more rumors about Sarah Palin dropping out of the race within the next couple of months. Nothing verifiable, though. I’m not sure I would call it a rumor, even, just a hypothesis thrown about by some hopeful Democrats, and even some hopeful Republicans. It’s interesting that the selection of Palin as the VP candidate seems to have killed any hope that McCain might get the independent vote in November.
  • Speaking of Sarah Palin, I’ve gotten several hits to this blog today from people looking for nude pictures of Sarah Palin. To reiterate from my earlier post: there are no nude pictures of Sarah Palin here. Not even any pictures of Sarah Palin in scantily clad clothing. There are no such pictures in existence, and any pictures you might find are hoaxes.
  • Looks like this week’s Story of the Week is going to be a two-parter. This technically violates the rules that I established for myself with this project, but I consider my authorial integrity unviolated. This story — “Teh K1ng In Y3110w” — will provide more backstory for The Solitude of the Tentacled Space Monster, though no spoilers for that novel. Assuming it’s ever finished.