Cats, Thingadailies

More kittens!

…And here are Wellerman (front, looking grumpy), and Shanty (rear, looking hopefully at the ceiling) seated together on a kitty sofa which we bought a couple of months ago. They’re cute, right? This is a pretty raw pic and the flash probably wasn’t necessary. I took another picture shortly after this one from a different angle, but Jennifer posted that one to the House of Floof page on Facebook and Instagram, so I think it was a good one just based on that.

In other news, we have acquired a new car. It’s a 2017 Toyota Prius, of course, and it’s a strange color that occupies that liminal space between light green and light blue (the salesperson who looked it over said it was green with blue spots). I tracked down the car to the Toyota website, and found that its “official” color is sea-foam green. We have named the car Clovis for no good reason other than because it sounded good. Pics forthcoming.

And in yet other news, this weekend is Boskone 58. Boskone is a science fiction and fantasy convention that I’ve been wanting to go to for years, but it’s in Boston in winter, which has always been such a deterrent for me. But this year, because of the covid-19 pandemic, it’s completely online. That’s super, because I get to see the panels and panelists and talks and what-not, but not-so-super because gosh darn it I really miss going to in-person conventions and meeting people at random in the hallways or at meals.

UPDATE: This little chucklehead is Pilfer. Like his siblings (Filch and Misdemeanor) he is about five weeks old, closing in on six. He’s very friendly, and has a loud purr. He’s been known to put his whole head into my mouth when I’m holding him and I yawn. I can’t help but wonder what he’s thinking. “What’s in there? So fascinating!”

That’s all for today. Tune in later, maybe even tomorrow, for more quality content.