
To 'bie or not to 'bie

Tomorrow is Blog Like It’s the end of the World, a day where people all over the world conspire to write their blogs as though the world were coming to an end. In 2007 and 2008, the world was under attack by zombies, and according to the folks who are putting it together this year, it’s going to be zombies again.


It’s not that I’m not in favor of a good ol’-fashioned zombie apocalypse, mind you. It’s just that I’ve done zombies two years in a row; in 2007 I did the story of zombies taking over Dixon, CA, (complete with tragic ending), and in 2008 I had zombies take up political activism in California’s capital city. And zombies remain the best symbol of the dehumanizing elements of our modern culture, and thus legitimately the target of fear and fun. So a good zombie apocalypse can be a frightening and funny thing.

It’s just that I’m zombied out, so to speak.

So this year, I’m going to do something else. While the “official” theme for tomorrow’s Blog Like It’s the End of the World (at least as official as these things can get) may still be zombies, I’m going to do something else. I’m not entirely sure yet; half the fun will be figuring it out as I go on. Let’s just say, though, that it’s going to start in the Sacramento River, near the Delta King