Just a Day in My Life

Brain Jam

Busy day at work.  There were times when I thought I was really the master of Moodle and PHP, and other times when it was obvious that Moodle and PHP were taking mastery of me.  Still, it was good to be productive all day long.  I realized, though, that an application I’d built earlier this year to track our development hours has had a persistent bug for months; I think I finally slammed it today, but while doing so I discovered another, more subtle bug which I actually had to consult with my boss on.

Came home, hung out with Jennifer, then wrote 528 words on The Solitude of the Tentacled Space Monster while watching Father Ted and The IT Crowd.  I’ve realized that a major problem I have with my writing is that I tend to feel very, very rushed, and I just want to get the story out so I can move to the next one.  But when I do that, the words all get stuck together and nothing comes out at all.  My brain is a lot like an old typewriter.  If you try to get too much out at once, what happens is that all the keys get stuck together, and nothing intelligible comes out at all.

A brain jam, in other words.

Brain jam.  Hm.  That doesn’t sound at all savory.