Just a Day in My Life

Pleasant Afternoon

On days like today, where the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is rush to my nebulizer so that I can clear out the asthma, I generally prefer to work at home, just so I can be near my medication, just in case.  This afternoon I’m feeling much better but I’m afraid I’m in too steady a groove to want to head into the office, so instead I decided to move my workstation outside.  The area we live in now is quite nice, and it’s such a lovely day outside, I just couldn’t help it.

Beneath the fold, a picture of my front porch workstation.

Front Porch Workstation

For general edification, the red sticker on the back of my laptop is a NaNoWriMo ’06 "Official Participant" sticker.  The black sticker is a representation of a glass of Guinness, with the word "Ireland" on it.  I got it in Ireland last year, of course, and never came up with another good use for it.  It disturbs the sleek lines of my nice laptop, but I kind of like it.

I never felt inspired to do this at our old house.  Our new house is superior in far too many ways to count.

Funny thing.  Since we’ve moved into this house just three weeks or so ago, we’ve had far more interaction with our neighbors than we did in the entire seven years that we lived in Dixon.