Just a Day in My Life

Pictures from the new house

Today is a gray, rainy day marked by a serious asthma attack this morning that kept me at home.  I’m going to spend the day relaxing and sucking on my nebulizer, but I also had to take a couple of pictures of the view from our new home.  I just happened to glance out the window and was struck by how pretty our neighborhood is.  I only took a couple of pictures because the battery in my camera is running low.

(Click on the pictures for full size versions.  The effect is better if you go to this entry on my blog instead of reading it through a feed reader or LiveJournal.  And for some reason the Lightbox script isn’t quite working right.)

First, here’s a picture of the street in front of our house, taken from the bay window in our living room.

View from the bay window in our living room (thumbnail)

I was really struck by the colors (which I think are sort of washed out in this picture).  It actually looks like it’s autumn around here, doesn’t it?  And, of course, Halloween is coming, which means some of our Halloween decorations are up as well.

I love Halloween; makes me think of ghosts, ghouls, zombies, werewolves, vampires, all that wonderful stuff.  Of course, as my mother was quick to point out recently, most holidays get me in that mood: Halloween, Christmas, Arbor Day.  You know how it goes.

This second picture is actually from our dining room window and looks into our neighbor’s back yard.  Nothing incriminating there, no worries:

View of our neighbor's yard from our dining room (thumbnail)

Again, the colors, which are washed out in this picture, are just brilliant.

I love that we live in a neighborhood like this.  In Dixon (and Woodland and Davis before that), I never got to see such tree plumage from the houses I lived in.  In Dixon, our neighborhood was so new that none of the trees were big at all.  They were still scruffy puppy trees, determined to show their greenery all year round (except for our neighbors, who had an unhealthy attraction to palm trees).  Our new neighborhood is much older, dating back to the 19th century (it was annexed by Sacramento in 1911), so it’s had time to build up some character and some serious elm trees.  This makes me happy.

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