Just a Day in My Life

Illustration Joy

I’ve been sitting on this for awhile.  A couple of people have seen it, but most of the world has not.

This is the illustration that will accompany my short story, "A Most Heinous Man", in the December issue of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine.  Today I got permission from the editor and the illustrator to post this artwork to my website before the issue goes to print.  Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture:

A Most Heinous Man illustration by Lewis Morley

The illustrator is the impressive Lewis P. Morley.  Not only did Mr. Morley do much of the concept art for the Matrix films (and no matter how awful you might think the second two films were, you have to admit the art and design were awesome), but I’ve learned that he’s also worked on Superman Returns, and has just signed on to work on Justice League.  I feel very fortunate to have his artwork grace my goofy little story.

Some of you may notice the three extra names in the credits:  Jennifer Crawford, my wife; my friend Keith Phemister who has been a strong influence on my creative and personal life; and the misspelled Kristin Andrews, who just happens to be my mom… because for all my faults, I still love my mom.  I contacted the editor as soon as I noticed the misspelling, but unfortunately there was nothing to be done about it (the editor admits to the fault here — normally I wouldn’t say that, but I wanted to make it clear that I do know how to spell my own mother’s name).

In other news, if all goes well, then escrow on our house in Dixon will close by Thursday this week, and we will have sold that house.  And actually made a profit, which apparently is quite a feat in a day where one out of five houses for sale are actually foreclosures (in our area, at least).

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NaNoWriMo 2007

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